Legal Notice

Regionalverkehre Start Deutschland GmbH
Hahnstraße 40 60528
Frankfurt a. M.
T: +49 (0)69 9 99 99 36 40
F: +49 (0)69 9 99 99 36 69

Represented by Dirk Bartels, Alexander Falkenmeier, Corinna Sander
USt-ID:DE311357776 | Registry and registration number: Registry Court Frankfurt am Main; HRB 120941

Customer Hotlines / Contacts for the Start Networks
Start Unterelbe 04721 | 2 04 97 24
Start Niedersachsen Mitte 05191 | 8 03 09 04
Start Taunus Kontakt

Regulatory Authority
Heinemannstraße 6
53175 Bonn

Arbitration Procedures
We participate in the arbitration procedures of the Conciliation Body for Public Transport (Schlichtungsstelle für den öffentlichen Personenverkehr – or söp for short).
If you remain unsatisfied with our handling of your complaint, you can submit a conciliation request to the söp, an independent organization for out-of-court settlements. (söp, Fasanenstraße 81, 10623 Berlin,